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Looking for a slightly sub lady in Poole...

26th July 2024 - 15:16 | Dorset, Poole

Hello, I'm Dominic, a mature guy in Poole (clean, courteous and SAFE). I walk with crutches; I'm single, friendly and just a TINY bit dom (dom with a very small d)... I seek a female with whom a little friendship and very safe, light, friendly dom sub play might be possible... To be crystal clear, a FUN friendship for BOTH participants, entailing a little erotic, consensual play. I've been gently dom sub playing since my twenties; most girlfriends don't at all want this, but just occasionally, one has been VERY interested; maybe 25% of all, so not as unusual as you might think. I stress absolute beginner's dom sub play, for only about sixty minutes a week... NOT nasty! Erotic FUN! Might suit a divorcée who has been dreaming of such play for a dozen years... Might suit a lass who has been under the thumb of a creepy family friend for years, possibly entailing occasional light discipline of some kind; something that initially you hated, but over time came to adore. Equally, could be someone who has just fantasised for years with vibe angrily buzzing, but not yet experienced despite your considerable efforts to do so. Contact me! Come and visit and discuss, and just maybe your efforts will pay off in terms of a very HOT friendship! And possibly quite a warm bottom!

What I have in mind is erotic and VERY exciting; something that you WILL want to repeat. Maybe you are an experienced subbie: maybe you have been curious for years, but never got anywhere near experiencing and would like, SAFELY, to dip a toe - meet a safe chap and talk about what secretly turns you ON, possibly getting just a little physical in a variety of ways every now and then. So probably quite a normal lass for the most part. I prefer, indeed enjoy normality; respectable housewife types 32 upwards who secretly harbour interests and wish erotic experiences and genuine friendship... Preferring apparently respectable normality comes from a few VERY interesting experiences with such women, who have contrived to visit me at home, and the first notion that they intended a HOT encounter was the lady's lips on mine, her tongue snaking into my mouth, occasionally a hand dipping into my pants and a subsequent VERY naughty suggestion growled into my ear, along the lines of F**K ME, BIG BOY! Which is VERY pleasant, coming as it tends to from the very last person that I expect to make a move, who nevertheless goes on to DEMAND certain safe action from myself! Aaaaaaah! There's nothing quite as erotic as an elegant lady approaching and DEMANDING IT! Rather more fun than ANY other option!

If you haven't done this before, it is, of course, unnerving at the outset: I will treat you patiently and safely, putting in the right preparations such that you ENJOY the journey towards the activity, whether or not you end up receiving an erotic spanking. I am NOT a difficult chap; I'm friendly, tailoring activity to what YOU want and enjoy. If I give you a lovely, fulfilling time, you'll come back for more! YOU are ALWAYS in control. One simple and erotic start that could happen if YOU like in the first few minutes is you briefly bending over my dining table and having your clothed bottom very gently caressed by my hand for the first five or so minutes of conversation (so, a VERY gentle VERY erotic massage of sorts: come along in very insubstantial leggings to minimise material between my hand and your bottom!). Very much to see how that situation feels, almost immediately after arriving at my house for the first time! Exciting, lovely and deeply horny or very creepy are two possible reactions (creepy isn't necessarily horrible - just unexpected and, well, rather different!). Initially no actual spanking; a very gentle and erotic lead up to that, with signposted opportunities to stop, should you loathe it. A process which indicates to you whether or not you find the reality of gentle bare bottom spanking as erotic as the thought thereof. Gives you a quality chance to say Nah! Not for me! There will ALWAYS be such chances. There will also be ample opportunity for things to become sexual if YOU want that... If you ONLY want a quality ride every so often, you are most welcome to make contact; I will be delighted to hear from you!

One of the MANY delights of a bare bottom spanking is the walk home afterwards, as I found out aged 16 in 1977 at the hands of a pissed off opportunist of a local spinster aged about 40 using a ruler, who suddenly, with no warning gave me the choice of telling my parents about my poor behaviour or reporting to her house on a Saturday afternoon for ten strokes of the ruler on my bare bottom (I recall the barely concealed excitement of the lady clearly - she REALLY wanted this to happen and was obviously VERY aroused talking about it (as, obviously was I. Large lump in my pants): She made plain her intention to demand of my parents physical punishment, hinting that such punishment from her would be much less severe). Nervous as I was, I wasn't at all going to disappoint her, or pass up the opportunity to experience something quite extraordinary that seemed as if it just might culminate in sex (it didn't). So saying, still TERRIFYING attending my first appointment, knowing that bare bottom discipline was going to happen (the sinister experience of being both frightened and aroused: I suppose we've ALL been there). I needn't have been terrified though; she was very calm and gentle, positively friendly and sympathetic to my predicament. I'm sure that she saw herself as an ambassador for her kink; she wanted to convert me, and succeeded. She carefully, rather furtively explained what was going to happen, ruler in hand, and indicated that as it was my first spanking it would be gentle (my hunch was that it was the first time that she'd ever given a spanking, though she had probably received many spankings from a mother, creepy relative, boyfriend or boss; possibly was still receiving them: her bottom may have been scarlet, under her floral dress!), then had me stand against her dining table and drop my trousers, prior to bending over the table, having placed a cushion in front of me, and putting my hands over the opposite edge. Immediately I felt embarrassment as my pants slid down and was then aware of the ruler resting across my bare bottom which was both exquisite and terrifying. The lady expressed an Oooooooh! Of delight which was amazingly horny and the first stroke landed. Not too bad, I thought; bearably stingy, by which time another two had made contact and I wriggled a little as the burning discomfort increased and was told firmly to stay still. A minute later, all ten stinging strokes had been delivered and I felt her soft hand caressing my burning bottom which was REALLY LOVELY and the most erotic thing I had ever experienced. She caressed for about 5 minutes then told me to get up and dressed. The whole experience was wonderful and ENORMOUSLY erotic. She walked me to the door complimenting me on having bravely taken ten strokes without complaining. I received a second warning that wriggling would not be tolerated and would result in extra strokes and she described my bottom as attractive slightly reddened, which was SO HORNY. Smiling and flushed, clearly VERY aroused, she said "Until next time" and patted my bottom as I left, sheepishly grinning, thanking her and assenting to her comment, making certain that the door was open for a next time, with a GLORIOUSLY smarting bottom (has to be experienced to be believed!) and large, very obvious erection (she was aware that I was aroused, and pleased by this; she positioned herself as I got up so that she could see my erection, which I made no attempt to conceal in the vain hope that she might wish to move closer to investigate): the ruler strokes weren't that hard as she explicitly didn't want to leave marks - I seem to remember her actually using the term 'our little secret' - but hard enough to BURN in an INTENSE not to say HUGELY erotic manner, and having my pants taken down by this furtive, plain spinster was SO lovely. I left determined to engineer another visit, which I did, monthly. If I didn't contrive a situation which made a visit necessary quickly enough, she seemed to concoct a misdemeanor, forcing my hand; even on one occasion simply opining that thirty days was too long a period to go without being spanked and asking me to attend so the matter could be rectified (VERY erotic!). A normal spanking was ten strokes, possibly with an extra one for luck, occasionally rising to fifteen or even, rarely, twenty if I'd been VERY naughty (she took GREAT offence if she heard me use the f word). Twenty firm ones almost had me squealing by the last three (she REALLY enjoyed to hear an occasional squeal) and left me with a sore bottom for a couple of days, which I enjoyed being mindful of throughout the day. I absolutely adored these visits and am certain that she did too, going by her all too brief, gentle caressing of my burning, spanked bottom as she sternly intoned her hope that my behaviour might improve. I rushed home to masturbate; I'm sure that she, too, was vibing herself afterwards. She never alluded to the SCREAMING sexuality of the situation: I dreamt of her fondling my erection; maybe she dreamt of doing that too, but it never happened. We were both much too shy to make a move, more's the pity. These spankings sadly came to an end when I was 18, after more than forty spankings (so that ruler had sharply come into contact with my bare bottom about 500 times), leaving me in a void which I attempted to fill spanking a couple of girlfriends, both of whom hated it. Both agreed reluctantly because of the promise of sex only if they did. Pleasuring an explicitly irritated lady who is petulantly complaining about her throbbing, spanked bottom is an ENORMOUS turn on. They asked incredulously 'How ON EARTH did you get into THAT? No other boyfriend has done that: whereas I'd VERY much like one that didn't, you fuck VERY well!' as I am gently working her to an interesting climax. Experience suggests to me that the lady goes higher, faster as a consequence of such an out of the ordinary activity... Both lasses returned furtively for more, declaring themselves to have been naughty, in spite of protestations of dislike. Mmmmmmmmm! I have no problem at all naturally becoming VERY ERECT! (Seven and a half, uncircumcised, described by former lover as chunky) and I can last well and always use condoms. Perhaps you'd like exciting intimacy just occasionally... send an exploratory email...
Intimacy does NOT necessarily entail also being spanked...

At no point will you be made to do anything that you don't want to do. Obvious, but there it is in writing. Not assumed - explicit.

You might be interested in trying out the feeling of wearing a collar and leash (much nicer than nipple clamps and leaves nipples exposed to be kissed and licked: rather astonishing if you'd like to experience that as early as a second meeting! Possibly with a modicum of vibing here and there too! 😏 Bra less and knicker less almost immediately, possibly myself naked too...); having me gently fit you with a leather collar before clipping on a leash (the leash might wait until session 2; things happen at your pace) and then continue with conversation... finding out how that very odd situation feels, just for about ten minutes in first instance, quite quick... Wearing a collar: just fun - NOT intended to be me asserting or owning. Trying something new and VERY different to see how it feels...
Please DO come along and see what being collared feels like in safety, with absolutely no obligation...
Maybe even being had while wearing said collar and leash, which is CERTAINLY interesting!

I bought one ruler the other day (pictured; made from bamboo!). All of you know EXACTLY what a wooden school ruler LOOKS like (but few if any of you know what it FEELS like, on your bare bottoms!). Do please come and gently find out! Perhaps starting out by just laying the ruler across your bare bottom to see how that feels.... (wonderful!). NO spanking, just a bare bottom with a ruler lying across it, coupled with a hand caress and even a kiss on both cheeks! Over in ten minutes. No commitment: could be a starting point, could be an endpoint. Going to be INTERESTING: I imagine a VERY respectable 40 year old woman reading this and starting to tremble with both excitement and apprehension! BE BRAVE and contact me for such a tester, madam! Text me! First meeting for a coffee in town, then 48 hours later (such that you have time to cancel if you really need to)... Might be embarrassing and horrible, MIGHT be BLOODY LOVELY! Will ALWAYS be confidential: you might walk away never wanting to see me again or you might want to return every so often... IF you find it hideous, things will be wrapped up and it will never be talked about: nothing ventured, nothing gained - email me! It'll be INTERESTING: an education if nothing else... 90% chance that you'll LOVE IT! (based on women who've experienced it so far: furtive ladies who indicate jokingly that they are a little interested, and I say REALLY? Picking up a ruler. Ten minutes later it's happened and I'm usually in the presence of a grinning, surprised lady who wants to know when she can pop round again for a stimulating chat and, perchance, more!

One subbie who approached me 30 years ago was a lady who had been bare bottom spanked at home by her mother and then slippered and even caned at school by an old boy on the point of retirement. Said chap became aware that this girl more than enjoyed a light caning, going out of her way to be told to report to his office at the end of the school day and be told to bend over (a very brief conversation between the chap and girl confirmed her enjoyment). One day he said that he couldn't give the fitting punishment for a certain misdemeanour at school and asked her to visit him at home, where she was given a stern lecture and four strokes of the cane on her bare bottom, which was a VERY MAJOR life moment for her (I'm aware that this sounds as if it's made up - it's COMPLETELY TRUE: it started in 1978: woman's name is Mandy B.; she became interested in me having ascertained that my name shortens to Dom - she invited herself round and set about seducing me; 45 minutes later, the tip of my condom clad penis was gently penetrating her. She continued to visit him monthly at home for about 8 years after leaving school for bare bottom canings of a level of severity that left 4 pink, raised weals lasting about 5 days, so not very hard, but certainly not light; the old boy was very experienced and good at what he did. The thin cane made an audible swish before hitting her bottom, which REALLY turned her on. Her first contact with the chap that she married was after one of these canings, and thereafter she would visit him immediately after being caned to have the pink lines on her bottom kissed and licked. She was still being caned after getting married. I revealed to her my experience and by the time I had finished she was expertly performing fellatio upon me as I caressed her bottom. Rather fun, one minute to be enjoying a friendship and one minute later for this to have become sexual! Once she had finished I opened a cupboard and showed her my small collection of spanking implements...
The beginning of a VERY exciting friendship involving bare bottom spanking with a variety of implements, though NOT a cane, and LOTS of penetrative comforting afterwards! A very sub and imaginative woman! I SO look forward to meeting more sub women, and interacting with them in a VERY horny manner for ALL concerned.

I'd have adored to have had a girlfriend who was being lightly disciplined by someone else but it never happened... Still could, I suppose! Any spankees in Poole want comforting afterwards? Someone who has to visit a rather strict aunt with a fearsome little paddle every fortnight? I'll bet there are numerous such women in Poole, probably aged thirties or forties who'd VERY enjoy a vigourous and lengthy comforting afterwards. DO please get in touch if you are one! I'd LOVE to meet, and comfort you! Until you shudder! Send me an email and meet for a brew to see if you fancy the idea...

Have women come along who have decided against? Yes, of course; all have been able to walk away with no problems; when all is said and done, it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea!

Send me an email (making contact does not commit you in any way at all)...
rosyderriere@gmail.com. If you've read this far, I'd VERY much like to meet you for coffee and clean, polite chat for just thirty minutes in the centre of Poole or within a few miles thereof, any day, any time between ten and three... Such a coffee meeting might be the start of a FUN friendship and adventure! Equally, if you find such a meeting ghastly, you can just walk away with no problem at all. There's always the option of walking away and declining to proceed by text, so disengaging is VERY easy and stress free.

I have put in my Gmail address above rosyderriere@gmail.com as my Hotmail is non functional at present.

Twitter: @DominicMcCabe13

Please get in touch if at all curious: You MIGHT have a LOT of fun and make a good friend! If you have spotted me in Poole and would like to say hello, please do. I won't automatically assume that you've seen this ad. If you'd prefer to text or email, again, please do. I am approachable, discreet and SAFE. Getting in touch does NOT commit you to anything beyond courtesy and safety.

Come on my dears... I'd like to send you home, satisfied, grinning, perhaps with a pleasantly burning bottom (maybe you'll pop into a supermarket on the way home and be erotically aware of your burning bottom all the way round!). PERHAPS you suddenly got a totally unexpected bare bottom spanking twenty years ago, in early adulthood, from a strict yet giveaway furtive madam (this probably still happens, rarely, to young women) maybe a boss who thought you needed dealing with; perhaps she was going to sack you, but you had heard a rumour and asked if there was another way; fifty years ago this would have been fairly common, but isn't now. Perhaps the strict spanker tried to seduce you... Or succeeded...
Perhaps you had a HOT time for 2 or 3 years, and you have been going out of your way looking for another bare bottom spanking ever since... if this is you, I'd be delighted to make your acquaintance ... BE BRAVE and make contact! You'll be SAFE, and you'll have a LOT of VERY exciting fun! But the start is just talk, to find out what you do and don't want. To find out what needs to happen to EXCITE you! If it isn't bare bottom spanking, come and tell me what it is...
Then you might get it!

My aim is NOT to terrify and hurt: That is NOT what the kink is about at all. It's about REALLY turning a lady ON and then doing her bidding!

Please send either a text or an email. Starting the ball rolling commits you to PRECISELY NOTHING. You'll be able to STOP at any time. In contacting me you MIGHT make a lasting, SENSUAL friendship...
You MIGHT GET what you NEED, be that a nice ride (or two!) every so often or a gently burning, red bottom now and then! OR, indeed, BOTH! xxx

Please make contact and tell me your stories, or your long held wishes! 😏


Summary: Gentle, fun, safe bare bottom spanking, possibly with comforting afterwards (what on earth am I doing reading this? You urgently think... Maybe you've been thinking a little about this for twenty years... Write me an email, meet a couple of times for coffee and just MAYBE come nervously for a first appointment, at which what you want will happen).
You are either experienced or brand new and interested in finding out more. Finding out more does NOT automatically mean that I'm going to bend you over and take your knickers down. The JOY of the two situations that I've communicated was two people meeting and both thinking 'this might be FUN!'; and it bloody was - for BOTH participants.

NOTHING will happen that you don't want to happen!
PLENTY will happen that you really want to happen... LOTS of possibilities: you certainly don't have to try them all. If I've written one sentence that has aroused your interest, come and have a coffee and chat; nothing nasty, just a normal chat, from which you can walk away... OR come back and engage, just as much as you want and no more. YOU will always be in charge, such that you get what you seek and go home smiling, anything from once every few months to twice a week...

Send me an email! Now! I'm genuine.
Come and find me on Twitter! @DominicMcCabe13
BE BRAVE! You won't regret it at all!
Don't try and call first. Text, email or twitter
Another caller: PLEASE TEXT FIRST!

Do please make contact! Come and nervously let me bare your bottom: or perhaps take you to bed...
You're likely to have a LOVELY, SAFE time which you will want to repeat again and again!


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