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Yorkshire Delight - yumm

26th October 2022 - 15:10 | Manchester, Chester

Few years back I was working in a hospital near Sheffield. Fancied ward Sister but never got the chance to ask until she came back from holiday. Chatting about that it turned out to be club 18-35. And she wanted more.
Well I came in my pants just thinking about it.
So at the end of her shift she came up to my flat. Bit of kissing and fumbling, then she pushed me back onto the bed, unzipped and pulled my trousers down to knees and sucked me beautifully. 3 minutes later she had a mouthful of cum. 1 minute later she was kissing me and we had half a mouthful each. Sadly she couldn’t stay long- husband would be suspicious if she was too late home.
Arranged to meet again few nights later but circumstances prevented it, so I never got the chance to return the favour, nor to slip in front and back as we both wanted.
Any lusty horny dirty nurses(or any other women) fancy reliving that?
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