Female Required to Act as my Partner for Threesome Fun
6th January 2025 - 14:13 | Cambridge, Henlow, Bedfordshire | Age 65
Hi, I’m Paul, a slightly larger than average, 5’7” in height, 64-year-old grey haired (partially disabled and impotent) single Male living alone in Stevenage, Herts
Few years back I was approached by a friend of a friend’s wife, that was 25 years younger than me.
To cut a long story short, unfortunately, it ended as they moved away to the coast, but we had some great fun Just wish they moved back this way.
So I am now looking for another Lady to work with.
As I’m partially disabled I will act as your impotent partner who wants you to enjoy a Full Sex Life, so I would be there watch you have NSA fun with strangers. BUT more importantly I would be there to make sure you are not abused and condom is not removed during sex and they do not push you beyond your limits.
I will make all the arrangements so you just turn up and enjoy yourself, This would all take place in the security and safety of my New Home in Henlow, Bedfordshire as I live alone. This will save on hotel costs, and assure you complete confidentially so they will never know where you really live.
You set our own do’s and dont’s of what you will and wont do.
We will fit this in around your life, you pick and choose date times etc. If you have a boyfriend, partner or husband they will never need to find out.
If your interested please reply for a Application Questionnaire
Ad No: 182037 |
Views: 655 |
Replies: 23