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Council Tax corruption by Hackney & Brent Councils

27th April 2024 - 13:11 | London, London

Do You live in a Private Rented Accommadation? The type where the House is converted into multiple self contained Flats, within?
Owned by Landlords/ Property Agents of a particular ideology.
And the Accommodation/ House is, unlicensed/ built without planning permission- technical illegal.

And Have you been issued a summons to pay Council Tax by Brent or Hackney Council, in association with Wilsden or Thames Magistrates Courts.
Then seek Legal Advice, as you may a VICTIM of an illegal Scam going on with the Councils and Courts mentioned, especially Hackney and Thames Magistrates Court.
For technical it may be illegal for the to make you pay Council Tax for an illegal/ unlicensed Accommodation.
Further more concerning Hackney Council/Thames Magistrates ( dubbed, Hackney Council Magistrates Court) If You have been told not to attend the Hearing Date, or denied the Right to have a Hearing before a Judge/ Magistrates or be told to have the Hearing by Telephone from Hackney Council or the Court, seek immediate Legal Advice and contact the News/ Social Web Media.
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