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Poole Guy Seeks Female to try Naturism With

22nd July 2024 - 5:25 | Dorset, Poole | Age 63

Hello, I'm Dominic, slightly disabled, in that I walk with crutches, 63 year old in Poole, Dorset who would like to engage occasionally in naturism. To that end, I seek a LOCAL female who might be interested in joining me... This will NOT entail an immediate visit to a naturist place and stripping off; clothed meetings will happen first together with one or two indoor prep sessions (gradually getting nude, with opportunities to stop if needed, so starting with a coffee morning in swimwear, kinda thing) so that we're both relaxed, safe and confident when the time comes, be that this year or next (no hurry or pressure at all - the aim of this activity is stress free pleasure, so putting in the right preparation is important).

You are aged between 25 and 50, local to Poole and single. When I have placed such an ad before, guys have got in touch volunteering wives for this, which doesn't tend to please the wives, unsurprisingly. If you are a chap with such an idea, ask your wife BEFORE contacting me, as this will save a lot of time. If you are a wife who wishes, similarly, clear it with your chap before making contact; I don't want suddenly to find out that an irate chap had no idea. All of the five or six contacts three years ago were chaps who wanted me to take their wives, and a couple of wives who wanted to do something with a different chap. Single women can contact too! You don't need to be a top end model type (model types aren't going to wish to be seen clothed with me!) - I'm looking for a normal female, the sort seen on every high street, who is thinking 'that might be interesting fun' or 'I've always wanted to try that'. You need have no experience of naturism: I tried it about 35 years ago and enjoyed it sufficiently to be returning for more. Obviously living about 5 miles from a naturist beach (Studland) is useful too. Naturism in public will not occur until we are both completely ready and comfortable. I don't envisage naturist trips every fortnight during the season. My feeling is that a couple of trips a year will be quite enough to be getting on with. If you seek naturist activity every other week, I'm not your man.

There will also be the possibility of clothed outings and activities; we'll be normal pals who very occasionally get nude, at least for naturist reasons, and other reasons as well IF you have a hankering for anything else involving pleasant, vigourous recreation and nudity...

If interested, please text or email in the first instance, and we'll arrange to meet locally for a clothed brew at a café and have a little get to know chat to see if you are okay beginning the journey... A café meeting will happen between 10 and 3, whatever day of the week suits you... A first meeting would last approximately 45 minutes, following which you'd text or email if you wanted a second meeting. Straightforward, simple, totally safe and VERY easy to decline further meetings and sign off, should you wish to.

I look forward to hearing from you in the not too distant future, and ultimately possibly disrobing...

Please use email below as my Hotmail account is currently not working...


Or text 07398 945696 - I have WhatsApp

I guarantee not to become a text or email pest or, indeed, any other sort of pest.
My aim is relaxed, fun friendship, occasionally entailing nudity and possibly entailing safe intimacy if that is your wish. If the thought of that appeals, please get in touch to discuss, possibly over coffee at a local cafe...

If you see and wish to approach me in town, by all means do! I will not be inappropriate or draw attention to you. I'm perfectly civilised and decent as, hopefully, are you.
Ordinary friendship is a brilliant and safe starting point, moving towards nudity if that seems fun and safe, and NOT if it doesn't. So in summary, friendship with me flagging up a couple of interests from the start. Any YOU want to run up the pole?


Now make contact!

X: @DominicMcCabe13

I have no intention of behaving problematically, illegally or abusively. Neither have you.

Fun, SAFE friendship.

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Ad No: 184753 | Views: 144 | Replies: 1