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A Wankbuddy

6th July 2024 - 16:48 | Edinburgh, Scotland

When I was in my mid/late teens back in the 80s, a school friend and I used to watch the wrestling on TV on Saturday afternoons. We knew it was all staged, but it was fun, and being boisterous, we'd play wrestle along with it.

Turned out wrestling gave my mate a bit of a chub. Back then it wasn't something you'd ever talk about openly. First time, I had a suspicion he was semi. Next time it happened, he was definitely sporting one as it brushed against my arm. Time after that I joked I'd use it to pin him down.

He went scarlet with embarassment and to break the silence, I told him I wouldn't mention it to anyone. Now, I was a teenager, and we all know teenagers get a boner at the slightest whim and will happily wank five times a day given a chance. And the thought of him getting a hardon was a bit of a thrill to me. Up until then, all my activity had been centred around a tatty copy of Men Only and wanking over the stories and photos. That and fantasising about some of the girls at school.

Anyway, the event was soon forgotten about and our weekly arsing about continued.

And then it happened again. His jeans were relatively tight, and I couldn't miss it as I had him pinned down. It was practically throbbing. So, true to my word, I grabbed it. Fuck it felt weird but I was twitching too, and I told him.

Just blurted it out, my dick was hard and after every wrestling evening I'd go home and wank. Not over him, but over girls. Well it was like a flood gate had opened. We had such a sensible adult conversation about who we fancied, how much we wanked, how hard we came, all the good things. He showed me a mag he had that he's nick from his older brother, and I'll swear I almost split my jeans looking at something new.

Long story short, it wasn't long before we were both pounding our meat over the girls in the mag. Started shy, but soon openly wanking. Can't remember who came first.

Over the course of the year, we'd often wank together, wank each other or suck. It wasn't in a homosexual way. We were definitely straight but willing to help each other out. It was such a filthy secret.

Sadly, his dad got a job in feckin Australia of all places so our fun came to a crashing end. A few months later I was off to uni and burying my root in as much pussy as I could get in between hedonistic wanking sessions.

I miss the light, casual way we would play together. I wish I had a similar friend nowadays, but I know it can't happen again.

So, there's my confession.
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