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Looking to increase my circle of male friends

7th October 2024 - 17:10 | Norwich, Lowestoft | Age 38

I'm 38, happily married, and, having lost contact with several "colleague-mates" through job changes, etc, I'm finding my circle a bit too "female friends of the missus" dominated, and looking to rebalance with some mature, chilled guys who're up for meeting for a pint, a walk, or whatever locally.

Looking for people who are open-minded, intelligent, and with a sense of humour - I wasn't even up for the a-hole windup merchants with a thirteen year old's mentality when I WAS thirteen, and I'm certainly not now. If any of your views involve any group of people who are not doing anything objectively wrong, or causing harm to others, "shouldn't be allowed/need their heads examined" - we're not going to get on.

Interests-wise, mine include books, nature, arts and antiques (I collect Lowestoft porcelain). I work out at home (did have a gym membership, but it was difficult finding time to go - at least at home, when I'm there, I'm there!)
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